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Ever wondered the reason behind the increase in Malaria, Dengue, and Chikungunya? Environmentalists attribute the reasons for the increase in these vector-borne diseases to ecological imbalance and global warming. Frogs are one of the species affected by the changes in environment.

Frog: Image source: www.thehindu.com

Frog: Image source: http://www.thehindu.com

While I was growing up in Mysore frogs were a common sight at nearby ponds, wells, and marshy areas in the locality,  making their presence felt by croaking. Today, I rarely hear them. I set out to find the role these four legged friends play in our ecology.

Frogs are an important link in ecological food chains as both predators and prey. While tadpoles feed on algae and keep the waterways clean, adult frogs feed on insects and pests, some of which can transmit deadly diseases to humans. Frogs are in turn a food source to fish, snakes and birds. Their survival ensures the survival of other species in a ecology.

Unfortunately, frogs and other amphibians are disappearing at an alarming rate around the world.  Pollution, climate changes, and use of pesticides, are some of the factors responsible for their declining numbers. Listed below are the impact of changes in environment on amphibians.

Factors influencing decline of amphibians such as frogs. Image source: Indian Institute of Science.

Factors influencing decline of amphibians such as frogs. Image source: Indian Institute of Science.

Amphibians are great indicators of what is going on in ponds, forests, the soil, and even the air. Since they live on both water and land, frogs are sensitive to degradation of their environment and  the best indicators of our ecosystem.

Disappearance of any species in the natural world is a sad reminder that everything that we humans do affects the natural world. Our chemically intensive agricultural practices are poisoning not only the natural world, but are very likely also affecting us by polluting our water systems such as lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. Our urban development practices that place little to no value on wild places and the habitat it provides are leading to catastrophic loss of species around the world, and finally the effects of global warming are being felt in so many ways.

Frogs have an intimate association with the environment and hence are a harbinger of our own future. Whenever you hear the familiar croaking of frogs know that the surroundings you are in, are friendly to our fast disappearing friends.